1. Capacity Building and empowerment of Vulnerable groups:
At CAFNet, we enhance the capacity of women and girls, youth, people with disabilities (PWDs) and Indigenous people and also empower them to become self-reliant and useful people in their society.

2. Poverty alleviation program:
Poverty alleviation program: To motivate economic development within target communities through initiation of youth and women microfinance projects, women beadwork enterprises and livestock SACCOS which promote job creation, self-reliance and enhance government revenue.

3. Educational infrastructure and technology:
Improve the capacity and infrastructure of Secondary and Primary schools to deliver learning through current Information Communication Technology model that embrace online learning and lesson delivery for both teachers and the learners.

4. Skills empowerment Centre:
A future project will entail building a center to cater for the very many vulnerable women and youth who are languishing in poverty due to forced marriages, early pregnancies and other related cultural related vices. The center will promote talent development and skill improvement.

5. Women Rights and Gender Mainstreaming:
CAFNet will endeavor to advocate for gender-mainstreaming in all sectors of leadership and appoint so that women can have an equal right as well. The organization will also champion for eradication of Gender-based violence (GVB) and Female Genital Mutilation(FGM)